Convert Excel Workbooks into
  Enterprise-Scalable Business
  Rules Engines!
download KDCalc here
 Actuarial and Insurance Solutions
 Banking and Finance Solutions
 Business Performance Management and Monitoring
 Business Rules
 eLearning Simulations
 Enterprise Plug-Ins
 Financial Trading Solutions
 Product Configuration and Price Quoting Solutions
 Reporting Solutions
 Risk Management Solutions
 Turn Excel Into Batch Calculation Engines
 Turn Excel Into Enterprise Web Applications
 KDCalc-Generated User Interfaces
 Hand Crafted User Interfaces
 Features Overview
 Calculation Engine Features
 Web Application Features
 Supported Excel Features
 Supported Excel Functions

KDCalc allows you to quickly build business rules systems in Microsoft Excel and turn them into live web applications and scalable batch analysis engines.

Business rules are more easily developed in Excel than in any other tool, enabling domain experts to articulate and capture their expertise with no programming skills and no proprietary programming languages required. KDCalc instantly turns these business rules into enterprise applications.

1: develop your business rules in Excel. 2: click on the KDCalc button to turn your spreadsheets into an enterprise business rules solution*. * -  Excel is not needed at runtime. 3: optionally connect your solution to live information sources. 4: deploy your solution securely to business stakeholders over your intranet or over the web to provide interactive decision support.  Or deploy to band-end servers to apply your business rules to huge volumes of data in batch.

Do you want to know how KDCalc can work for you?

Demo: Making your spreadsheet available online

Click here to see a product configuration spreadsheet turned into a web-based sales recommendation wizard.
Click here to see a simple car insurance pricing spreadsheet turned into a web-based quoting application.
Click here to see more demos.

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